Monday 23 November 2015

Coca cola vs Pepsi



<Blind Test >


by Roelof L.A.B

We carried out a certain blind test with five people.
I prepared two kinds of different brand of coke.
These two brands are the most high ranked consumntion
in cola industry.
The first one is Coca cola the other one is Pepsi.
We wondered that
Can they distinguish the taste of Coca cola and Pepsi?
So we did an experiment.
We prepared three cups.
One is Coca cola
Second one is Pepsi.
Third one is water for gargling.

Test subject 1.
When you see that pic,
the left side cup was Coca cola
and the right side cup was Pepsi.
The answer was corret!
He chose that
the left one is Coca cola
the right one is Pepsi.
He could distinguish Cocal cola and Pepsi.
He answered that he felt the difference between scent,
and each barnd coke has their own scent.

Test subject 2.
As you can see in this picture,
the left side cup was Pepsi
and the right side cup was Coca cola.
The answer was corret!
She chose that
the left one is Pepsi
the right one is Coca cola.
She could distinguish Cocal cola and Pepsi.
She answer that she felt the difference based on carbonic acid.
Coca cola one had higher level of cabonic acid she said.

Test subject 3.
As you can see in this picture,
Both of two cups contained just Coca cola.
(At that time, he didn't know I poured the same coke in two different cups.)
The answer was incorret!
He chose that
the left one is Coca cola
the right one is Pepsi.
Both of two cups contained just Coca cola.

Test subject 4.
As you can see in this picture,
Both of two cups contained just Pepsi.
The answer was incorret!
She chose that
the left one is Pepsi
the right one is Coca cola.


Test subject 4.
As you can see in this picture,
the left side cup was Pepsi
and the right side cup was Coca cola.
The answer was incorret!
He chose that
the left one is Coca cola
the right one is Pepsi.


(I asked him to point what is Coca cola you think?)
Test subject 4.
As you can see in this picture,
Both of two cups contained just Coca cola.
The answer was incorret!
He chose that
the right one is Coca cola
the left one is Pepsi.
People who took part in this experiment tend to give right answer
when they distinguish with two kinds of coke.
BUT most people give us wrong answer
when they are undergoing an experiment with just one brand.
Although two cups of coke are the same thing, they used to distinguish
this one is coca cola and this one is pepsi!
That was really interesting!!!

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