Friday, 4 December 2015


<Blind Test >


by Roelof L.A.B

long time no see! today i`m gonna do blind test with distinguishing water!.
i bought BAR-LE-DUC, SPA from EMTE. these are the most popular water in enschede.
but i have a curious about that people can distinguish flavor of water.
so i also prepare tap water. i carried out a certain blind test with five people.


By all appearances, we cannot distinguish it. it`s very interesting.


[male, 20, Turkey]

A) It tastes like similar tap water.
B) i think it is same thing with A. same flavor with A. I think it is the cheapest one.
C) It is from super market. it tastes like sharp taste. it is very delicious.

[female, 21, korean]

A) It is delicious. i think it is mineral water.
B) It tastes not good. it smells something like tap water. i think it is tap water.
C) It has no differences with B. i can drink it smoothly. it is SPA.

[male, 23, korean]

A) It smells like water supply. it tastes like tube. it is absolutely tap water.
B) It is very fresh. there is no smell. i think it is from supermarket.
C) It is luxury taste. i can drink it smoothly. it is the most expensive one.

[female, 23, korean]

A) It has some unpleasant taste in one`s mouth. it is water.
B) It is delicious. there is no smell. i think it is most expensive one.
C) i think most of them have similar taste. Only fresh can distinguish flavor.

[female, 20, korean]
A) it is absolutely tap water.
B) i think it is the cheapest water from supermarket.
C) it has the baddest flavor. but it is the most expensive one.

Most of the people cannot recognize which is the real water. all of people think they can distinguish flavor of water before blind test. but they fail. i think most of people buy water for good taste. just considering brand. it is very interesting experiment!

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